Honor and Academic Integrity at SWVGS
SWVGS Honor Code
On my honor as a student of the Southwest Virginia Governor's School, I pledge absolute honesty in my academic work and personal life. I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal. When I complete academic work I will not give nor receive any type of help, outside that specified by the instructor, because I understand that such acts violate the Honor Code and undermine the community of trust at the Governor's School. I will maintain the integrity of my word, and I will respect the rights of others.
Realizing that these standards are an integral part of the Southwest Virginia Governor's School, I assume my obligation to uphold this honor pledge. If at any time I fail to live up to my obligation to this pledge, I will report myself to the Director of the school. Furthermore, I will not tolerate others who fail to live up to this pledge, nor will I facilitate their failure to do so. I will conduct myself in a manner that will bring integrity to me, my family, my peers, to the Southwest Virginia Governor's School, and to my home school district.
Academic Integrity
Unfortunately, a common infraction of SWVGS policies involves violation of the SWVGS Honor Code.
Unless explicitly told otherwise by the teacher assigning the work, all SWVGS students are expected to submit their own work on individual projects, tests, exams, research papers, homework assignments, laboratory reports, and in-class assignments. For group activities, all work is expected to be that of the group's members.
If instructed that assistance may not be received from anyone other than another SWVGS teacher, the instructions mean exactly that. If there is any doubt about the level of assistance being contemplated, students should ask for clarification from the teacher(s) for whom the work is being done.
Writing must be your own, presenting your ideas in your words. If you are using other's ideas or words, they MUST be appropriately cited. Similarly, images, graphs, figures, artwork, animations, computer programs, etc. must your own creation, both in concept and implementation. Copying another's work, including magazine photographs, digital images, paintings, drawings, etc., and presenting it as one's own is a violation of the SWVGS Honor Code and federal law.
Students should report suspected honor violations immediately to the instructor(s). If a student witnesses a violation and does not report it, he or she is condoning, and a partner to, unacceptable behavior. Failure to report a violation is in itself a violation of the standards of academic integrity expected of all SWVGS students.
Violations of the Honor Code
Suspected Honor Code violations should be reported to the instructor immediately. A panel composed of two teachers and two students appointed by the Director will review the charges of an Honor Code violation and advise the Director of the appropriate penalty.
Penalties may include but are not limited to:
- grade reduction,
- parent notification,
- notification of the home school principal,
- dismissal from the Governor's School.
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